
Leicestershire Contract Bridge Association


The Joyce Cup won by BOWYER

Barkby Bridge Club is closing down

The Dawes League final standings

Butterworth Trophy Won by NICHOLS

The Gimson Trophy won by Mason & Stevens

The Olga Cup Results

The Buckby Cup Results

The Samani Salver Draw

Rutland Bridge Club now has a website

Results from the Stanley Trophy Round 6

Results from the Yates Cup

Results from the Barkby Charity Swiss Teams Competition

Results of the Leicester Mercury Trophy

Leicestershire Plate won by WRIGHT

2012-2013 Calendar starting to appear

Leicestershire Cup won by MAHONEY

Tournament Secretary Vacancy


Our AGM will be at Rothley on June 13th. The meeting will elect the next LCBA Executive Committee. If you would like to join, please complete a nomination paper which is available for download here. We particularly would like to fill vacancies for Tournament Secretary, Minuting Secretary and Education Liaison Secretary.


The annual competition for teams of eight representing the Midlands counties has been completed. Every county puts forward three teams which compete in three divisions for the Dawes Trophy, the Porter Cup and the Markham Trophy. We are delighted that the Porter Cup has been won this year by Leicestershire. Our strongest players finished mid table in the Dawes but our third squad had a poor season in the Markham competition. The full details are on this page.


From time to time our AGMs elect Life Members of the Association in order to recognise long and valuable service to the LCBA. For a list of our Life Members please follow this link.

Robert Northage and John Wilcox attended the Shareholders Annual General Meeting on October 5th. As forecast, the EBU's P2P charge will increase by 2p in 2012/13 and this is expected to return the EBU to surplus (in the year ended March 2011 the deficit was £47,000). The EBU has decided to explore the possibility of obtaining charitable status which would be likely to bring significant financial benefits and improve the chances of obtaining government and charitable grants. The timetable for this effort will extend well into 2013 and the final decision is still open.

Pat Watson had no less than three successes in the EBU Guernsey Congress, 16th - 18th September. Playing with Warwickshire's Carolyn Fisher, Pat won the Ladies Pairs, was second in the Seniors Pairs and was also second in the Multiple Teams (with Prue and Adrian Knight). We know of bridge classes at County Club, at Ashby, at Lutterworth and at Burleigh Community College.

This lists the latest information given to the LCBA, and includes a contact (usually the club secretary), details of league participation and club duplicate evenings. The times shown for duplicate sessions are the latest time of arrival for visitors. Play will usually start just a few minutes later. There may be variations to the arrangements for visitors during the season, in particular close to bank holidays and especially around Christmas. In cases of doubt, please check in advance. In addition this web version gives details of club e-mail addresses and websites, including maps showing the location of clubs. These 11 LCBA EBU affiliated clubs participate in the LCBA league and run regular duplicate pairs. Local Master Points are issued at all duplicate sessions listed except as indicated.

Best tips you should know if you want to win at bridge

Bridge gathers people together. It stirs agitation, people are motivated to win and some of them sure do not know how to lose. But there are a few things that can improve your play. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, these are a few interesting tips that will help you become better at bridge.

Play bridge like a pro

Play the greatest card game and make sure you will win every time with these tricks. Because each hand of bridge is split into four phases, you have to pay attention when you deal, bid for tricks, play your hand and score. If you have the highest card, you are the dealer. Bid for the number of tricks that you think you can play and think of it as if you would be in an auction. The dealer will bid first and you must make sure that you guess the number correctly. Consider the cards you have and you and your mate will win every game.

If you will not win the trick, make sure that your partner will. It is actually a great way to spend your time. You should play bridge every time when you are bored, instead of just wasting your time with an escort Paris from https://www.sexemodel.com/. Do not forget your reasons why you play bridge – to have fun, make new friends, challenge your mind and win against your opponents!

Always review the results of the previous game if you want to get better. Learn from your mistakes, pay attention to the cards used by the other players and count them so you can predict the last tricks. The situation can change at any time, so set up some goals and do everything you can in order to achieve what you want. Build a partnership with your escort Paris. It is actually a technique used by everyone and this rule can apply in any other fields.

Deal with the frustration of bad results, bad plays and losing. There is no reason to be upset, what it matters is to learn from your own mistakes and become better at bridge. You counted wrong? That is ok, you will be more careful the next game. But measure your progress and consider both your wins and loses. Be fair with yourself and your teammate, otherwise bridge will be far from enjoyable.

Impress your opponents when playing bridge

Do not show your emotions when dummy appears, always have a plan in your mind and do not be intimidated when the balance is not favorable. Your bridge skills will be improved if you do not let your escort Paris see your cards and you are constantly a tough competitor. Achieve a good reputation in your bridge club and never let them know that you are in trouble, especially because you can change the situation in the blink of an eye.

Assess the quality of your opponents when you hear that you will play against them. Be disciplined, lose with dignity and win with pride. Follow these tips and you will soon play bridge like a professional player!